Orphaned gorilla, famous for viral selfie, passes away in the arms of her rescuer

Orphaned gorilla, famous for viral selfie, passes away in the arms of her rescuer

 Orphaned gorilla, famous for viral selfie, passes away in the arms of her rescuer

Animals often become orphaned, and count on the compassion of people to survive. The faith of these creatures to their custodians was shown in a photo, which showed 2 gorillas posing for a “selfie” with one of their caretakers.


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Unfortunately, one of the gorillas recently passed away.

Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is dedicated to protecting local wildlife, including a population of imperiled muontain gorillas.


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In April 2007, a heartbreaking sight was discovered: a 2-month-old baby gorilla was clinging to the dead body of her mom. It turned out that she had been shot by someone.


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The rescuers took her in, and all night long ranger Andre Bauma held the baby close to him for warmth. The lovely creature was named Ndakasi, settled in at the park, living with a fellow orphan named Ndeze.


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In 2019 a special photo of them together soon went viral, and a lot of people refused to believe that it was real. Ndakasi passed away on September 26 in the arms of Andre Bauma.

Andre was happy to have a freind like her. Ndakasi had a bright pesronality, and everyone loved him a lot.


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