A number of big coconut crabs smashed into the family's picnic to steal food

A number of big coconut crabs smashed into the family’s picnic to steal food

 A number of big coconut crabs smashed into the family’s picnic to steal food

Amy Luetich was camping on Christmas Island with her family and friends to have a picnic there. But their plans were destoryed because of the unexpected guests. The people were enjoying BBQ when suddenly a number of coconut crabs appeared there to crash the lovely party.

The unusual type of crabs had only one intention — to steal and eat the food that the group had brought. And it could be expected as they are also called «robber crabs». Lured by the tasty smells more that 50 crabs decided to break into the picnic and spoil the family’s nice time.

They began to climb the tables and on the barbecue. It was really amusing and meanwhile very dangerous for those present.

Christmas Island is the place where these giants are overpopulated. They can live more than 50 years. And they are found in the different parts of the island usually being sheltered during the day and venturing out in the evenings.

So these unexpected meeting was something unforgettable for the campers.

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