This is what the big Hollywood actors looked like in their first roles
It’s interesting to share frames from films in which our favorite actors play their first roles. Take a look at how they used to be, how they have changed and grown professionally. They have only gotten better over the years! We will show frames from films of the past, in which you can recognize familiar faces.
B. Affleck in the series ABC After School Special
C. Bale in Empire of the Sun
C. Evans in the film «Not a Kid’s Movie»
W. Harrelson in the TV series Cheers
B. Pitt in the series Growing Troubles
W. Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Al Pacino in Needle Park Panic
T. Cruise in The Outcasts
T. Hanks in the series «Bosom Friends»
J. Depp in A Nightmare on Elm Street