4 richest women in the world: who they are and how they look

4 richest women in the world: who they are and how they look

 4 richest women in the world: who they are and how they look

Both stars and wealthy ladies resort to plastic surgery. However, among the very rich of the fair sex, some do not want to wear a made face. So say some women, whose fortune is estimated in billions of dollars.

Alice Walton (net worth — over $54 billion)

According to the latest data, the richest woman in the world is Alice Walton. If you look at the photo, you can see that the co-owner of an influential company is completely indifferent to beauty procedures. She does not dye her hair and does not resort to beauty injections. In clothes, a businesswoman prefers a business style, and in makeup, the maximum naturalness.

Françoise Bettencourt-Myers (net worth — almost $50 billion)

Those who see Françoise for the first time cannot believe that she represents one of the richest cosmetics companies. A woman’s fortune is in the billions, but at the same time, she practically does not use cosmetics. She wants to look natural.

Julia Koch (net worth — almost $40 billion)

The American was married to the owner of an oil company. He died early, leaving Julia a huge fortune. The woman donates part of the money to charity. The husband died of cancer, and Koch helps people who are faced with a similar problem.

As you can see in the picture, Koch is not going to turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

Mackenzie Bezos (net worth — almost $36 billion)

Mackenzie became one of the wealthiest women on the planet after her divorce. She got a quarter of the shares. The woman looks attractive. She is still young, so the wrinkles are not so noticeable. Meanwhile, she, like the rest of the billionaires, practically does not use cosmetics.


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