The sweet dog without neck and with short spine found his perfect home

The sweet dog without neck and with short spine found his perfect home

 The sweet dog without neck and with short spine found his perfect home

All the dogs deserve to get affection and care despite their afflictions or defects. They are beautyful and exceptional in their own.

So one of them was Cooper, an American foxhound, who has a genetic condition called «short spine syndrome». He has short back and no neck and he really suffered from his such «defect». When he wants to see his back he has to turn his whole body. It is stated that he is one of the 30 dogs in the world who has such a state.

The unique dog started his life with many difficulties and hardships. He was abandoned from his birth beacuse his unusual look. Rescuers found him and took him to a shelter to care of him. His first home was not so good for him and he appeared in the shelter again after some time. But then he fiund his forever home where he is treated perfectly without considering his phisical state.

His owner Elly Keegan had a good nature and while many people would pass over the poor animal and he even was to be euthanized for his disability, she noticed Cooper and took him her home to look after him with love and affection he really needed. The woman knew that her pet had to get medical attention and she was ready to help him in everything.

But now Cooper’s state is improving slowly. It is hard for him to move or walk but the surgery made it somehow easy. And despite all the obstacles Cooper is happy and gentle dog. He has many followers on Facebook and everyone admire his will and wish him the best. It is truely good that Cooper has such a kind owner to care for him with great love and appreciation.

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