Parents turned away from the guy when they saw his chosen one in full growth

Parents turned away from the guy when they saw his chosen one in full growth

 Parents turned away from the guy when they saw his chosen one in full growth

Corey and Jamie have been together for 3 years now. The 28-year-old girl is several times smaller than her 20-year-old chosen one. Corey’s height is only 90 cm. By the way, the couple is already accustomed to the astonished glances of passers-by.

Jamie complains that his parents did not support the choice of their only son. Jamie’s mom stopped communicating with her son when she saw his girlfriend in full growth. “They dissuaded me, asked me to change my mind, but I insisted on my own.

Soon Corey will be my wife,” said Jamie. How would you react to such a choice of your heir? Would you support him in this situation?


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