“I can’t walk, but I can fly”: how a girl without legs became an aerial gymnast and found her own sister

“I can’t walk, but I can fly”: how a girl without legs became an aerial gymnast and found her own sister

 “I can’t walk, but I can fly”: how a girl without legs became an aerial gymnast and found her own sister

Jen Bricker-Bauer was born without legs. The mother abandoned the girl, but she was very lucky, and soon a beautiful family adopted her.

Since childhood, her adoptive parents told her not to be afraid of anything. And Jen listened to them. So, already at a young age, she could play basketball, volleyball, and later became an aerial gymnast on an equal footing with everyone else.

But the doctors said that the girl would not be able to walk, even sit on her own. But she believed in herself, and most importantly, her parents did everything to make the baby feel healthy. So Jen learned to walk on her hands no worse than other people on their feet.

When the girl was only 8 years old, she was fond of gymnastics. And all because of the fact that in 1996 she watched the Olympics on TV without stopping, and was rooting for her favorite athlete — Dominic Moceana. And what a surprise for Jen when she later found out that Dominique was her own sister.

And so Jens,with a great inspiration, began to train and succeeded. But no one believed that a girl without legs would succeed. But she became a champion and proved to everyone that anything is possible.

Now Jen has grown up, she is professionally engaged in acrobatics and does things in the air that many athletes with legs are not capable of. In addition, she has become close to her blood family and is happy. Jen even married her beloved man, and soon she and her husband are planning to have children. So, let’s just wish this strong girl success!

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