The family arranged a real celebration on the birthday of their 13-year-old dog. His reaction is insanely touching.

The family arranged a real celebration on the birthday of their 13-year-old dog. His reaction is insanely touching.

 The family arranged a real celebration on the birthday of their 13-year-old dog. His reaction is insanely touching.

Bailey is a very cute old man, this year he turned 13 years old. This event could have passed unnoticed for him if the family had not decided that for all the joy that he brings them, the dog deserved a holiday, and gave him a real human celebration with a cake and gifts. And his reaction to what is happening is something insanely cute.

His owner Katie shared photos and videos from the celebration on Facebook.

Happy Bailey and his new toy

And how to do without the traditional song?

«We love you,” Katie writes on Facebook. Of course, Bailey hardly understands that it is his birthday, there is no tradition for dogs to celebrate holidays. But he definitely feels the love and attention that people give him, which means he is happy. And his reaction to what is happening is the most valuable thing that can be. Long life to you, Bailey!


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