50 years later the two elephants enjoyed to be free from the chains

50 years later the two elephants enjoyed to be free from the chains

 50 years later the two elephants enjoyed to be free from the chains

The two adorable elephants had beared extremely hard and difficult days for many years. The two sisters Mia and Sita were chained in circus to perform many tricks and entertain people. And for that purpose they were suffering to be closed and tortured.

But fortunately after 50 years they were rescued by kind people. The warm-hearted volunteers could finally manage to save them from the harsh state and transform them to the sanctuary where they could eventually feel freed. They could live peacefully there for the rest of their lives.

When the two wonderful beasts arrived the center they were really exhausted and weak. They had wounds on their body and souls but they could now feel the enjoyment of beeing free.

Sita immediately went into the pool to have a good relax. While Mia did an act that would never be forgotten. She just laid on the ground and rested that way. But it was so emotional and affecting moment that it made the staff to be in tears. They knew that it was something that she needed so long. The rest was an essential part of the elephants’ daily life but they were lack of it. So this scene was a real and sincere expression of the elephant’s feelings.

Now Mia and Sita enjoy their time in the sanctuary but they need to be recovered completely. However thay are calm and happy to be surrounded with good people. They get all the love and care they truely deserve.



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