The lost rooster was seen at Popeyes staying there after the hurricane

The lost rooster was seen at Popeyes staying there after the hurricane

 The lost rooster was seen at Popeyes staying there after the hurricane

The woman named Latoya Giles was waiting in drive-through at Popeyes when she noticed something unusual. A rooster was standing there in front of the maind door. She had heard about him from her workmates but didn’t believe that he would live there. So when she found him at the enterance she was really shocked.

She also spotted a chicken pen there and was amazed. The cock was really living in the area of the restaurant. According to the staff, the brave rooster appeared in the place after a hurricane and refused to leave. So they fed him, and took care of him.

Now the cock has becoma a mascot for the this brunch where he is well cared. Maybe he has chosen a wrong family for him but he is so pleased for his decision.

So every morning the woman is greeted by the proud rooster who is always in front of the restaurant door to welcome the guests. And due to him the business has improved. Everyone wants to meet him there.

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