The tiny drug-detection dog does his job the best

The tiny drug-detection dog does his job the best

 The tiny drug-detection dog does his job the best

The woman named Agata was passing through the airport in Colombia when she spotted a little officer working perfectly. He was a tiny dog who was a detective one. He was standing with some law enforcement officers and was sniffing all the suitcases to discover whether there was drug or not. He was even wearing a uniform to prove that he was a real worker. He looked so funy and cute. And everyone admired him and got cheerful.

It was not clear he caught any drag traffickers but he surely got peoples’ wondering glances. They were smiling looking at the tiny sweet worker who was doing his job with delight and satisfaction.

@agatafornasa #antinarcoticos #policia #perro ♬ Scooby Doo Pa Pa — DJ Kass


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