The little horse was comforted with a huge bear toy

The little horse was comforted with a huge bear toy

 The little horse was comforted with a huge bear toy

The little foal called Breeze was abandoned by his mother after his birth. Fortunately, the farmer contacted with the Mare and Foal Sanctuary and they immediately came for help. They brought the tiny horse and began to look after him with huge attention and love. Breeze was deeply depressed. And the staff was doing their best to warm and comfort him.

But he got the needed relaxation and content from his best friend giant teddy bear that the caregiver took him. It was really surprising to see how he was cuddling the toy when he wanted to sleep or playing with him every time.

The sanctuary members always give toys to the orphaned animals to have companions and feel comfortable. And this method seems to work efficiently.

Now Breeze feels better and protected due to the well care. He feels joyful and satisfied with his lovely companion.

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