People rescued a dog that lived in the snow along with 6 puppies. And this supermom didn't leave them no matter what!

People rescued a dog that lived in the snow along with 6 puppies. And this supermom didn’t leave them no matter what!

 People rescued a dog that lived in the snow along with 6 puppies. And this supermom didn’t leave them no matter what!

Not only people can earn the title of mother heroine — sometimes animals also can deserve this. One of these supermothers can be called a dog named Snowbell, who was noticed under the snow near the Red Lake in th US with her tiny 6 puppies. Despite all the difficulties that fell to Snowbell, she did not abandon her children — and people cannot but praise her for this!

The miserable animal was instantly taken to the local shelter which looked after the dogs.

The minute creatures were about three weeks old, and they spent all this time in the freezing weather.

According to the staff of the center, Snowbell laboured the babies during a snow storm. Despite the cold, the mother remained in place with the children, and they lived like that for almost three weeks — until people found them.

When the family was brought to the shelter, it turned out that Snowbell did not have milk for babies.

All this time she spent with her children despite the fact that she had nothing to provide for them. But due to the good care and warm place the dog quickly had milk, and she was able to feed her babies.

The canines have raised a little and some of them have found a new home

Snowbell has been nicknamed a supermom because she didn’t abandon her children in a difficult situation.

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