The dog was given second chance to live

The dog was given second chance to live

 The dog was given second chance to live

When we hear horrific stories about men and animals it is sensible to think of caring and loving each other instead of harming or torturing. This extremely heartbreaking story will remind you how to treat your loving ones or just strangers.

A husky named Maya has passed a tragic way in her life. 5 years ago she was struggling in the kennel in Brazil. She was used inhumanly only for generating puppies. And when she was fully worn out the staff of the kennel decided to get rid of her.

Maya had numerous health problems. She was paraplegic, weak and useless because of her terrific condition. She was beaten, treated in a cruel way. She was going to die if the kind woman didn’t appear there.

The warm-hearted woman named Rayssa stepped the place where the miserable dog was and got shocked. It was unexplainable. The woman’s heart was aching from pain, she was all in tears seeing the poor creatrue in that insufferable state.

She immediately took her and firmly decided that she would do the best for Maya to recover.

When leaving the horrible place Maya exactly knew that she was freed and saved.

The new owner didn’t go away anywhere from the dog. She was so weak and ill but she had the desire to live.

The long-term cure was awaited Maya. She and her owner patiently were struggling for Maya’s life and recovery. She was recovering phisically and mentaly after all she had passed through.

As she had lost her back legs and couldn’t walk she had to use wheelchairs. After that she became free in strolling wherever she wants.

Maya gradually regained her health and stength. She became active, playful and lively.

After 5 years the adorable dog has changed completely. Her long-cherished wish led her to live a full and happy life thay she deserves.

Due to the great love, affection and care Maya returned to the kind side of the world. So please, don’t be so indifferent to the ones who are important for you. Take care of them and be kind to others.

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