The starving dog transformed to a charming girl

The starving dog transformed to a charming girl

 The starving dog transformed to a charming girl

Once the rescue organization staff saved the little sorrowful pit bull who was found in the backyard of a house with a blancket on her. She was literally freezing and couldn’t even stand up.

The fine dog named Arugula was immediately taken to vet where she got a good treatment.

And a few days later she was ready to go out and find a new home though she was still weak.

Now she lives in a foster home with a loving and caring owner who treats her with a great attention. She is also hav sweater on her as there is cold outside. The smrt dog also is trained to sit and stand although her legs are still feeble.

Arugula is in the process of gaining strength and health to live a full life. She is extremely joyful to find a caring home where she also have another dog as her wonderful companion. She is very excited and happy to be surrounded in such a lovely and warming atmosphere.

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