Baby elephant is rolling on the ground when his older brother tickles his belly

Baby elephant is rolling on the ground when his older brother tickles his belly

 Baby elephant is rolling on the ground when his older brother tickles his belly

The wonderful moment caught by photographer Lee-Anne Robertson was spread instantly on Internet. The adorable tiny elephant was jiggling on the ground with a great fun when his older brother stroked him with his nose.

It seemed that little active elephant was looking someone to play with him. He was full of energy and got a great amusement when his brother came close and began to play with him. The scene was literally astonishing.

Then the naughty baby climed on the brother’s back and started to play and caress him with a huge entertainment. He really enjoyed this game.

The wildlife photographer took incredible pics of these two magnificent animals. They are truely amazing!

Just take a look and wonder!

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