The two-year-old girl became best friends with the deaf dog

The two-year-old girl became best friends with the deaf dog

 The two-year-old girl became best friends with the deaf dog

Many people choose responsible, playful and attentive dogs to be their pets. But there are different animals in shelters with health problems who need much care and love to live perfect life.

Such dog is Moz who was fortunate to meet the loving family who was ready to adopt him an take care of him.

Moz is deaf and this conditions bothered him in different cases to act or express him fully. But his human father did everything to make his life more comfortable. The dog was trained to do numerous things and the deafness became not such a hard task.

The adorable animal also met his best friend Lillian who is the owner’s little daughter. They love to walk and play together. They enjoy being with each other. There is a strong bond between them. They can communicate with each other in a special way.

Now the adorable dog is unseparable part of Lillian’s family. The great future is ahead of him with his close friend by his side.

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