A tangled lump got to the animal rights activists. 4 vets worked 2 hours to free a cute dog

A tangled lump got to the animal rights activists. 4 vets worked 2 hours to free a cute dog

 A tangled lump got to the animal rights activists. 4 vets worked 2 hours to free a cute dog

A miserable dog got to the Trio Animal Foundation from the street. He didn’t even look like a dog, it was one big ball of fur that could not move and exuded not the most pleasant smells. They named him Sang Soo and immediately sent him to the vets for a haircut. The task before the doctors was not an easy one, but they did it and freed a real cutie from the fur captivity.

It’s hard to believe, but this fur ball is actually a dog. He could barely move and weighed more than 11 kg.

It took the efforts of 4 specialists, anesthesia and 2 hours to free the dogs from wool.

And just look what a wonder was hiding under all this fur!

Unfortunately, Sang Soo was diagnosed with an ear infection.

Now the dog walks around in a bandage so that the ears fit snugly to the head.

But everything is fixable, Sang Soo is on the recover. And now he can walk and run.

To socialize Sang Soo, he is introduced to other dogs. The process seems to be running successfully.

Now Sang-soo needs to undergo vaccinations, castration and dental treatment. And after that, the dog will be completely ready to find a new family for him. We hope everything goes well for him!

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