The boy found his car with a strange gueast in it

The boy found his car with a strange gueast in it

 The boy found his car with a strange gueast in it

The boy named Vitor Mangino went to party by his car, and when he wanted to return home he saw his car was stolen. He was desperate. He looked for it but couldn’t find anywhere.

The boy informed the piolice about his stollen car. After a few days they called Mangino and told that his car was discovered and also mentioned that there was a dog on it who refused to go away and didn’t let anyone come closer.

The guy immediately rushed the police center. He saw the stray dog there whome he had never encountered before. But he felt a great connection with him as they had been good friends. The dog was also very warm with the boy and acted like he had known him for a long time.

Mangino solved to adopt him. And they became unseparable companions. It is unkown where the dog appeared from but one thing is sure: now he has a forever home and caring owner.

Unfortunately the boy lost 1000$ for repairing his car but he gained a true friend.

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