The woman was scared of the pit bull untill he saves her life

The woman was scared of the pit bull untill he saves her life

 The woman was scared of the pit bull untill he saves her life

It is proved that dogs are loyal and trustful animals. So the pit bull is not an exception. But some are inclined not to accept it and are afraid of them.

This moving story is about the young man and his pit bull named Simba. They was living in a block of apartments. And the naighbors were scared of him. Especially one elderly woman living on the floor below was terribly frightened from the dog. She never liked him because of his breed.

Once the man retured his home with Simba and was passing the woman’s door when the animal began to act strangely. He started to bark and rushed to the woman’s door.

The owner wanted to push him back but couldn’t. Then he heared a scream from the woman’s apartement. Fortunately the door wasn’t unlocked and the boy entered. He saw the woman was lying down on the floor.

She had broken her hip and stayed on the floor for two days. So the young person called the ambulance and help the woman.

Simba sensed that something bad had happened to the old lady. And so he warned about it his master. And the woman was saved.

Then she changed her attitude towards the dog. She thanked him for rescuing her. The dog became hero for everyone.

This is how can the person’s life and behavior change after such a lovable act.

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