An abandoned puppy was sitting in a crumpled box and trembling ... He would die if the girl didn't appear

An abandoned puppy was sitting in a crumpled box and trembling … He would die if the girl didn’t appear

 An abandoned puppy was sitting in a crumpled box and trembling … He would die if the girl didn’t appear

It was winter outside and it was very cold and chilly. On that day, Anya Yashina was going along the street when suddenly she saw something that made her not be indifferent.

Seeing a crumpled cardboard box in front of her, Anya even forgot where she was going. There was a little puppy in this box. The girl drew attention to the fact that the baby was clean, but very scared. Apparently he was living in the house, but for some reason the owners decided to leave him.

It was evident that the baby had already resigned herself to her fate, she did not even try to get out. Most likely, the baby could not understand that she was so simply betrayed and left. She just looked sadly, not at all counting on the fact that someone would save her.

Anya simply couldn’t ignore the sweet baby because this little girl didn’t deserve such treatment at all. The girl sat down near the box and stroked the puppy, then carried the baby to her home.The baby was fed and warmed at home. She sat wrapped in a warm blanket and quietly fell asleep.

Now the puppy has turned into a real adult beauty dog. And last year, the girl brought her to a dog show called «I am a nobleman.» And here is the joy: her lovinf pet was awarded the first place!

This is such a wonderful story. Anya does not regret at all that she once gave shelter to an ordinary animal.

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