Puppies saved a newborn girl

Puppies saved a newborn girl

 Puppies saved a newborn girl

In the Indian village of Saristal local people found a newborn girl in a dog den. Surprisingly, there was not a scratch on her. The puppies saved her, although logically it should have been the opposite.

The countrymen heard the crying baby and climbed into the dog sett.

They saw a newborn baby girl there

The police officers did not find any hints or indications of possible parents. After the examination, the doctors said that the girl was phenomenally lucky. After the birth, the umbilical cord was roughly cut and no one did anything with it, no care for the baby. Apparently, the mother dog found her, and brought her to the den, where, warm from the puppies, she managed to survive a very cold night.

The girl was named Akanksha

So this was the happy end of the story.

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