A guy buried a cat, and in the morning he returned home

A guy buried a cat, and in the morning he returned home

 A guy buried a cat, and in the morning he returned home

Pets become practically family members, and losing them is just as painful. Obviously, Nathan Sonoras from Michigan was very fond of his black cat Loki.

One day the guy drove up to his girlfriend’s house and saw a dark spot. It was a knocked-down cat that Nathan recognized as something familiar.

Nathan realized that it was Loki.

The cat was buried near the house of Nathan’s girlfriend, not far from the grave of another cat.
In the morning, Nathan was about to take his father to work, when suddenly a noice was heard.

It was Loki!

Nathan was shocked, because he literally buried this cat. The explanation was found quickly. Obviously, he buried someone else’s pet similar to Loki.

Nathan plans to put a chip on the cat to track his movements, but he will not be prohibited from walking.

The guy is very sorry that he took someone’s cat, making the owners think that he was missing. He encourages people to put collars on pets and stop the animals when they see them on the road.

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