The tiny twin elephants were born in orphanage for the first time in 80 years

The tiny twin elephants were born in orphanage for the first time in 80 years

 The tiny twin elephants were born in orphanage for the first time in 80 years

We are sure the wildlife lovers and defenders will feel joyful hearing this amazing news about elephants. The twin elephants were born in orphanage in Shri Lanka. It is exceedingly unusual as they are the ones born 80 years after the former twins.

The parents of the little cuties were members of that caring center. Though it is strange for the mother elephant to give birth to twins the parents are in healthy state. The new born babies are in a good condition as well. In spite of the fact that they are smaller as normal they feel perfect.

The orphanage that was founded in 1975 recovered and saved numerous elephants. Now it is home of 83 elephants with their calves. And it was 80 years ago last time twins were born there.

However it was sensational and pleasing for everyone to hear such phenomenal information. We hope that the tiny calves will grow physically fit and all right.

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