No, this is not a crumpled blanket. This is a cute little doggie

No, this is not a crumpled blanket. This is a cute little doggie

 No, this is not a crumpled blanket. This is a cute little doggie

You have surely not seen such kind of soft and fluffy creature. It is unbelievable but the unusual thing is a Shar Pei named Harvey. Its owner Tereza is crazy about these folds.

So, the first task: find the dog in this photo.

The fact is that the ancestors of Sharpei were hunting and fighting dogs. But Harvey has nothing to do with this activity. He is very kind, warm and soft by the way, he has a skin that is unique even for Sharpei — almost without wool.

Harvey is only 6 months old

His folds are very cute, but at the same time they are a problem for the dog, because they are very vulnerable. For example, when a puppy drinks some water and it gets into the folds and does not flow out of there, unless the hostess wipes it. Also, the skin near the folds should be moisturized with creams at least once every two days. It is the sanitary procedures that are the most troublesome part, but Teresa loves to take care of her pet.

How many folds do you see in the photo?

Unfortunately, Harpy has vision problems due to folds, since the skin around the eyes overhangs from birth in excess and the puppies see practically nothing. This problem is solved surgically by a veterinarian.

And these are the Harpy brothers — Don and Louis.

Now the sweet is very popular on the island of Menorca, where he lives with the hostess, and he has a lot of fans on social networks.

The doggie himself just loves to walk on the beach, enjoys playing in the sand, which adds to the problems with bathing, but what can’t you do for the sake of your beloved pet?

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