99 year-old Betty White reposted photos with a huge bear

99 year-old Betty White reposted photos with a huge bear

 99 year-old Betty White reposted photos with a huge bear

Betti White is one of the prominent comedians in America. Though she is 99 she is full of drive and energy, happiness and joy. Regardless her age she is indulged in different activities.
One of the delightful enterprises that she carries is volunteering for the Los Angeles Zoo and the Morris Animal Foundation. Betty adores animals and is affectionate towards each of them. Her love and tenderness led her to be one of the most popular animal advocates in the world.

Recently she posted engaging pictures with a giant brown bear. The appealing moment touched everyone.
Though the view was perfect, Betty confessed that she was a little bit afraid when seeing the massive animal. It was somehow daring and challenging step.

The admitted that she was the one with great fortune as she spent the one half of her life with her loved profession and the other with her dear animals.

Betty’s friends state that Betty is a charming person. She can attract everyone even the frightful beast.
She feels respect love and care not only towards people but also animals.

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