His fur was knotted into a rug and weighed as much as the cat itself

Even experienced veterinarians and volunteers were shocked by the condition of the Persian cat that was brought to their shelter. His name is Sinbad and he had 2.5 kilograms of tangled, dirty, bunched-up hair.
With that kind of weight Sinbad could barely move, was very emaciated and refused food. But he loved people and understood that they would definitely help him here. The cat was very affectionate to anyone who approached him.
«Sinbad came to us after a communal worker saw him in the apartment of an elderly man. The man couldn’t even take care of himself, to say nothing of the cat,» said Elliott, one of the volunteers at the shelter.
The Persian cat was in dire need of help.
The first order of business was to cut off all the hair.
«Sinbad turned out to be a very intelligent and patient cat. He endured several hours of shearing silently and steadfastly.»
He was about 9 years old and weighed 3 pounds. It’s hard to imagine how hard it was for him to drag a lump of hair weighing as much as he did.
«Once he was free of that horrible weight, he just wanted to lay on someone’s lap.»
They started feeding him in very small portions to make sure his digestive system was working.
After a week Sinbad was completely healthy.
Elliot decided to take Sinbad to his home for the weekend so the cat wouldn’t get bored at the shelter. But Sinbad had his own views on the matter.
When they got home, Sinbad laid down on Elliot’s chest and started purring very loudly. He had probably never been happier in his nine years. He thanked Elliot for his kindness, for his warmth, and for saving him.
Of course, Sinbad never returned to the shelter. Elliot made the only right decision:
«I just couldn’t give him away to anyone. I will monitor his diet and give him as much warmth, love, and care as he wants. The main goal for us right now is to put on the right weight and grow back his beautiful fur,» Elliott says.
Look at this incredible transformation:
Even in spite of what Sinbad has been through, he continues to love and trust people.
«We have a lot to learn from him.»