20 people who look suspiciously like celebrities

20 people who look suspiciously like celebrities

 20 people who look suspiciously like celebrities

Each of us has a doppelganger. Someone will say that this is a program failure in the matrix, the other will answer that there is nothing strange in this. Passers-by met ordinary people who are very similar to Hollywood celebrities. Just take a look at these people of Slavic appearance and try not to confuse them with the stars!

A. Jolie?

A. Hopkins?

Dr. House?

B. Willis?

R. Weasley?

D. Trump?

E. Clarke?

M. Fox?

M. Tyrell

H. Potter?

J. Lawrence?

A. Winehouse?

J. Statham?

J. Bieber?

J. Snow?

L. DiCaprio?

N. Kidman?

S. Snape?

Which celebrity are you alike? You can share with pics!

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