18 years ago, a man saved a hippopotamus, and she still remembers his kindness and thanks the man

The female hippo named Jessica is one of the most popular in the world. More than 150 documentaries have already been filmed about her, and many tourists strive to get to her.
Today we’ll take a closer look at this amazing animal.
It all started about 18 years ago in South Africa. On the bank of the river lay a small hippopotamus. He was found by Tony Joubert. The mother of the baby was nowhere to be found, perhaps she died during a severe flood, which at that time occurred in that area. The man took the animal, because it definitely cannot survive there alone.
It was a female, she was named Jessica. The whole Joubert family nursed the baby. After a while, the animal grew up and it was time to let her go into an independent life, into the river where Tony once found her.
But Jessica herself has become so attached to people that now she sails every day and even comes directly to the house where she once lived.
By the way, since childhood she loves to drink tea and even watch TV. And Tony brews several liters of tea for her every day to please his pet.
Hippo is not at all afraid of people, Jessica enjoys contact with guests and accepts treats from them.
This story has long become known all over the world and in order to visit Jessica, travel agencies organize tours so that people can get to know her and Tony, who happily shares his interesting story.