12 Most Adorable Sphynx Cats
Some people do not like sphinxes. they seem disgusting, very cowardly, evil. But, by the way, they are often much more friendly than ordinary cats, they generally do not have allergies, so they are raised in families with children.
And one more fact, they are not bald at all, as it may seem. They have short and fine hairs that are not immediately visible. And they are born as ordinary kittens. Long hair disappears when they grow. And they also have a very special beauty that can only be appreciated by a sensitive person.
Do not let that angry look confuse you. Sphinxes are very peaceful and kind cats. And under the dissatisfied appearance, there is a warm and loving heart.
All cats love heat, and sphinxes, especially since they do not have a warm coat of wool. Then free up more space near the battery. And even better — on it.
Some people consider the sphinx to be very unpleasant animals, they say there is no hair, they are like naked rats. But the taste and the color, as they say. For some, even soft animals are ugly.
You haven’t seen such an exotic sphinx. The owners worked hard to make it unique.
Sphynx kittens are a special beauty. They are so small and defenseless that it is impossible to pass by without smiling.
However, sphinxes are animals that are not of this world. Who knows, maybe they came to us from space.
Like all cats, sphinxes like to lie down comfortably. And if you also cover them with a blanket, they will be even more satisfied.
Staying under the sun is a favorite pastime of any cat. And sphinxes are no exception.
Various boxes, baskets, and other large items are the passion of every pet. Even if it does not have fur.
If you have a Sphynx, be prepared to buy clothes for him because they get cold even in a city apartment. Better yet, learn how to sew and knit. Then your cat will be the most fashionable in the area.
Theoretically, ordinary baby clothes are also suitable for the Sphinx. Slightly changed, of course.
What kind of cat will allow you to wear glasses? Yes, even with such a serious look it will be required. And this sphinx seems to have even liked this image. It corresponds to his inner world.
Do you like sphinxes, or do they seem too strange to you?